In today's world just how important is branding?
Well ask any successful company these days and you'll see it all starts with a creative logo and loads of research. Researching the market is an absolute must and no matter the length of time taken to find the results, if accurate, there is no chance of missing.
Some companies pay thousands and thousands to identify the correct branding and in some cases it pays off but most companies don't have thousands to invest in the research needed.
Here at Atero Marketing Group we start with a simple questionnaire to pin down the accuracy needed to move forward and get the same desired results. This questionnaire has been used many times by large companies and shared among all marketing agencies that are looking for that accuracy needed to be successful.
Take some time to see if you can answer these questions.
1) Do you know your demographic? Age?
2) What market are you trying to reach?
3) Who are your five main competitors?
4) What marketing services are they using and how effective is it?
5) Do you have an allocated budget to compete?
6) How does your product differentiate from your competition? Selling points?
7) Does your logo tell your story?
Usually with those seven questions, it gives enough feedback to complete a full research document that can be adjusted in time. As you get successful, you'll need to expand your reach into more markets. Surviving on one market can be a risky game and if you don't have resources to back up your waiting, then it can equal a quick death and no one wants that.
Don't forget, all marketing takes time to develop. Knowing this before you go forward is a must.
For more information on branding or any of our additional services, please visit our website